Friday 16 August 2019


Currently Listening to: "Steam Powered Submarine" - Squid Lid

Once more, into the breach once more...

To begin, I want to take a moment to thank the wide number of online DIY OSR bloggers from whom I've taken inspiration over the past ten years. I've tried to started this gaming blog, or something like it, three times in as many years. Each time I started it, it was with the intention of contributing to what at the time was the still rather vibrant online DIY gaming community.  I have taken much inspiration (and content) from all of them since I got back into this hobby. A great number of those people's pages you'll see listed in the sidebars and all of them are people who have not only kept the hobby alive - against some, sometimes violent, opposition - but who have also provided and impetus for me and my players in our own game. I am typing on the shoulders of giants, to mix metaphors, I recognize it and I thank you all.

Gongfarmers gotta farm gong.

Online game blogs were appearing, for awhile, to be as much a nostalgic novelty to tabletop RPG gamers as the games we play are to the people who've stepped away from the hobby. That was never really my concern. I quite like that podcasts, live-streams and other new forms (or revitalized OLD forms when it comes to zines) are stepping in and keeping things moving. I shouldn't be surprised if I do a zine issue or two myself before too long. In the meantime, this is what I'm focusing on for now. 

A Chinese gongfarmer collecting night soil. 
Apparently a job that existed in China
until as late as the 1930s.

Let me loosely break down how GONGFARMER'S MARKET will work and what I want to do with it.

  • It will reflect the games I'm playing at any given time. Right now, that's a whole lot of Dungeon Crawl Classics, but that might change, and, when it does, the amount of DCC content will change too. 
  • Being DCC, it may wander across genres and time periods as befits the Pulp Fantasy / Pre-Commodified / Appendix N nature of that game. There may be space ships AND barbarians. There may be spicier scenarios or those that are weird and unusual. There's room for everything if it's fun.